

Nannies are live in personnel specialized in caring for children in their own homes. They have a thorough understanding of child development from prenatal to adolescent stages. Nannies plan learning experiences using their knowledge of age appropriate topics. Children’s literature is embedded into every aspect of the educational activities. Nannies tend to all the needs of their charges. They shop for healthful foods and plan and cook tasty, nutritious meals. Nannies see that the breakfasts and lunches they serve are not only well-balanced, but also appealing to the children. Many Nannies keep a file of recipes the children like and may start dinner preparations. They make sure meals are attractive.
At mealtime, they teach table manners. Nannies wash the children’s breakfast and lunch dishes, and clean up the kitchen or dining room. When caring for infants, Nannies prepare formula and soothe babies utilizing Harvey Karp’s “The Happiest Baby on the Block” techniques.

Nannies wash, iron, and mend the children’s clothing. They help older children learn to choose outfits right for the occasion. They teach the youngsters to keep closets and drawers neat.

Supervising toddlers during bath time is another duty of Nannies. So is bathing babies and changing their diapers. Nannies help with hair combing, shoe-tying, and homework. They put Band-Aids on scrape knees and take care of sick children. They follow the physician’s instructions in giving medicine.

Planning safe amusement, both indoors and out, is a large part of the work of Nannies. They devise and play games suitable for the ages of their charges. They help youngsters learn to play alone and teach them how to get along with others. They may plan and oversee birthday parties and other social events. All Nannies read to their children; some sing. They give infants the rocking and cuddling so vital to normal growth. They soothe the hurt feelings of older children. They make children feel secure while their parents are away from home.

The butler is customarily responsible for a single residence, supervising household staff, setting up the household and ensuring all duties are fulfilled. Typical duties include ordering household supplies, setting and serving a formal table, caring for the silver, china, and crystal, and overseeing dinner parties and other events held in the home. A butler should have good knowledge of wines and may be required to use a computer.

Helps the new mother with all aspects of care for a baby, from feedings to washing clothes and keeping the nursery clean. She is not responsible for care for the mother or any household duties outside of the nursery. These tend to be temporary jobs, with baby nurses usually working 12 or 24-hour shifts for a job duration of 2 weeks to 3 months.

Has full charge of the outside and inside maintenance of the home. Typical duties include painting, gardening, plumbing, carpentry, overseeing workmen and scheduling annual repairs. A caretaker also oversees the care and repair of the automobiles and other maintenance equipment (lawnmowers, snow blowers, etc.). May be a live in position.

A full charge chauffeur will be responsible for driving family members and guests to social and professional appointments. He or she is also expected to care for the car, making sure it is always clean and full of gas. A chauffeur may also be required to work in the office of the employer, doing filing or faxing, and maybe even do errands. Often their hours vary, so flexibility is a key.

A cook or chef prepares detailed menus and food for most or all family and social events. May also prepare meals for the staff. The household chef is responsible for anything food or kitchen related, including organization, clean up, shopping for all food-related supplies and menu planning. There are many levels of cooks from the basic family cook to the school trained gourmet chef.

A housekeeper is a domestic service professional who has general responsibilty for the maintenance and cleaning of a private household. A housekeeper’s primary job responsibility is to maintain the employer’s home in a clean and presentable manner at all times. A housekeeper may live in or live out, and may be employed on either a full time or a part time basis.

Elder care, often referred to as senior care, is specialized care that is designed to meet the needs and requirements of senior citizens at various stages. As such, elder care is a rather broad term, as it encompasses everything from assisted living and nursing care to adult day care, home care, and even hospice care. This is provided by specialized personnel.

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